Metal Core PCB Applications and Benefits

Metal Core PCBS, also known as MCPCB, Insulated Metal Substrate (IMS) or Thermally Dissipated PCBS is one of the most widely used PCBs today. These PCBs find applications in various industrial electronic devices.

The basic structure of MCPCB includes:

●Solder mask

●Circuit layer

●Copper layer

●Dielectric layer

●Metal core layer


The base material used in this PCB is metal, not FR4 or CEM3 material. The most commonly used metals are aluminum, steel alloys and copper. Aluminum is cheap and has good heat dissipation and transfer capabilities. Copper has better heat dissipation and transfer capabilities than aluminum and stainless steel, but is more expensive. Stainless steel is harder than copper and aluminum and has a low thermal conductivity. Therefore, the choice of metal cores will depend on the application in which they are used.

Types of Metal Core PCBs:

 According to the position of the metal core and the wiring layer, PCBs are divided into four basic types. They include:

●Single-layer MPCB: A PCB with a single trace layer on one side.

●Double-layer MPCB: A PCB with two wiring layers on the same surface.

●Double-sided MPCB: These PCBs have two trace layers on each side.

●Multilayer MPCB: These PCBs have more than two layers per board.

Application of MCPCB:

1. LED lights: spotlights, high current PCBs, high current LEDs, street safety applications and all applications using LEDs.

2. Automotive: power regulators, ignition tools, swap converters, variable optical systems, and electric motors for electric and hybrid vehicles.

3. Power supply equipment: DC-DC converters, voltage regulators, high-density power conversion and switching regulators.

4. Audio equipment: balance, input and output, audio, power supply and pre-shielded amplifier.

5. Other electronic equipment: IC arrays, semiconductor heat shields, IC carrier chips, solar cell substrates, radiators and semiconductor refrigeration equipment.

6. Household appliances: flat panel displays, motor controls.

7. OA equipment: large electronic display substrate, thermal print head and printer driver.

Benefits of Metal Core PCB:

1. High thermal conductivity: Standard PCBs with FR4 and CEM3 have weak interlayer insulation and low thermal conductivity. Without proper heat dissipation, internal temperatures can rise and affect internal components. The metal PCB, made of aluminum, has excellent thermal conductivity and helps keep the internal components safe.

2. Good dimensional stability: Compared with FR4 or CEM3 PCB, metal core PCB shows good dimensional stability. When an aluminum PCB is heated to a temperature of 30 degrees Celsius to 140~150 degrees Celsius, its size will expand between 2.5-3%.

3. High thermal expansion: Coefficient of thermal expansion (CTE) is a term used to describe the expansion or contraction of a substance at temperature. Aluminum and copper have higher CTE than ordinary FR4, and the thermal conductivity is 0.8~3.0 W/cK.

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